Tetrad is a renowned British furniture brand celebrated for its commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and timeless design. Established over five decades ago, Tetrad has earned a reputation as one of the UK’s leading upholstery manufacturers, blending traditional techniques with innovative styles. Based in Lancashire, their skilled artisans take pride in handcrafting each piece, using only the finest materials to ensure durability and comfort. From luxurious leathers to beautifully textured fabrics, Tetrad offers a wide range of upholstery options to suit diverse tastes and interiors.
At the heart of Tetrad’s ethos is a dedication to sustainability and attention to detail. Every piece is meticulously designed, featuring hardwood frames, premium cushioning, and thoughtful finishing touches. Their collections range from classic Chesterfield sofas and vintage-inspired armchairs to contemporary modular designs, offering versatility for any home. With a focus on elegance, comfort, and practicality, Tetrad furniture seamlessly combines heritage and modernity, making it a beloved choice for those seeking timeless sophistication.